
hangups requires Python 3.6+ and is known to work on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows (with Cygwin).

Python Package Index (PyPI)

hangups is listed in PyPI, and may be installed using pip:

pip3 install hangups


hangups is available as an automated build on Docker Hub as tdryer/hangups.

Create a data-only container for hangups to allow upgrading without losing your login session:

docker run --name hangups-session --entrypoint true tdryer/hangups

Whenever you want to start hangups, run a new container:

docker run -it --rm --name hangups --volumes-from hangups-session tdryer/hangups

To upgrade hangups, pull the latest version of the image:

docker pull tdryer/hangups

Arch Linux

An unofficial hangups package is available for Arch Linux in the Arch User Repository.

Install from Source

The hangups code is available from GitHub. Either download and extract a hangups release archive, or clone the hangups repository:

git clone

Switch to the hangups directory and install the package:

cd hangups
python3 install